Author: admin

  • When You Owe IRS Back Taxes, You Should Read About These Three Facts

    When you owe IRS back taxes, it gives them the power o levy upon your assets either personally or through a third party such a bank, but even when you are in the hole for thousands, you do not have to sit by and simply let this happen. While the Constitution has given the federal…

  • The Benefits of a Uhaul Fort Myers

    Whether you are planning on an upcoming move or just temporary storage to make additional space, there are plenty of solutions made available by moving and storage companies. Uhaul is one of the most popular storage and moving companies in the United States. If you are looking for a Uhaul fort myers, be sure to…

  • Hitting the Bulls Eye How Marketing Is Becoming More Precise

    Television greatly improves the retention rate of the people who use it. People who watch videos maintain around 50 percent more information than those who read a print brochure. Most customers prefer video to brochure anyway. Of course, mixing media can always be a good idea. After all, somewhere around 75 percent of Americans watch…