Most Americans have heard that half of all marriages end in divorce. Though the rate of divorce has been dropping in the last thirty years, divorce is still a reality for many who once maintained healthy marriages. In fact, 48 percent of black women between 50 and 59 have been divorced at least once.
For many, divorce is not caused by a particular dramatic event. For these couples who feel like they have simply grown apart, the collaborative law process is often the best way to manage an amicable divorce. With the average divorce occurring eight years into a marriage, many couples carry no ill will against their partners and are not looking for messy splits.
Collaborative Law Committees are now a part of the American Bar Association, the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers as collaborative law has become a major component of divorce law. Surprisingly enough, it has only been in the last three years that New Jersey has offered a no fault divorce option like irreconcilable differences as a legal cause for ending a marriage. Today, for those seeking a divorce attorney Union County NJ has other options.
In the past, fault divorces required one partner to ask for a divorce based on the actions of his or her partner. Such actions may have included unfaithfulness, drunkenness, cruel treatment, abandonment, or criminal activity. Today, however, a no fault divorce can be agreed upon by two parties who feel that no one party should be held responsible for a marriage\’s failure. In these cases, collaborative divorce law is an option.
When looking for a divorce attorney Union County NJ citizens often neglect to consider collaborative divorce lawyers. However, a collaborative divorce can allow couples who have agreed on a no fault divorce to avoid the uncertainty that comes with court and the possibility of contested litigation over children and other important elements. At the beginning of the collaborative law process, participants sign a contract committing them to the process and yielding the rights of their lawyers to represent them in future family related litigation, essentially ensuring an amicable process for all involved parties.
Though there are other options for those seeking a divorce attorney Union County NJ citizens who are interested in an amicable compromise might consider looking into collaborative family law as an alternative. The process can ease many of the fears normally associated with divorce. For the 2.9 divorces occurring yearly per 1000 people in New Jersey, collaborative law is a rarely considered option that could save a lifetime of heartache.
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