The Wharton School of Business from Pennsylvania did a large research study that compared video versus print and the conclusion is that you should work with a Tv media buying agency because video increased info retention by fifty and sped up decisions about purchasing by 72 against print brochures. In fact, a Tv media buying agency should show even more importance to you because 75 percent customers, when they have the choice, will request video brochures versus those done on print. You will find that once you are able to have video brochures and other media in this vein created, you will have the opportunity to entice many more potential customers to have some interest in your brand and begin to gravitate toward shopping with you.
The truth is that DRTV as well as infomercials have to make use of a blended approach to media buying because three out of four Americans multitask while watching TV and a TV media buying agency can help you with this. While using video in order to create brochures is surely a smart approach, it takes the right professionals to understand all of the checks and balances that go into the process so that you will be able to ultimately make it work for you. Once you know what needs to be done, you can have the best video brochures made for your company by DRTV companies and infomercial production companies; and with the help of DRTV production companies and informercial companies, you will ultimately be able to get more people interested in your products and services.