In 1742 the first advertisement in an American magazine appeared (in General Magazine, published by Benjamin Franklin). Since then, advertising has gone through some major changes. The seminal \”1984\” SuperBowl commercial heralding the new Macintosh computer from Apple ran only once on American daytime television, but is considered a benchmark of advertising. Over $15 billion is spent on advertising directed solely at children, thanks to the impact of television on our young people. So it is no wonder that the Internet is yet another advertising game changer.
In the world of web design Rochester NY advertisers know that online presence is key. A significant portion of the advertising rochester ny produces is geared entirely towards the Internet. Over two fifths of B2C (business to customer) marketers regularly say that SEO marketing has the largest impact when it comes to lead generation. And when it comes to content based SEO for online marketing rochester ny professionals already know the importance and prevalence of this new and exciting marketing model.
Realizing the potential impact of great web design Rochester NY ad agencies Rochester NY marketers, and indeed Rochester NY businesses in general are using the SEO model to create high quality, effective web content to drive traffic to their sites and to the sites of their clients. And in the spirit of the pioneers of advertising, this determination and resourcefulness is resulting in some of the finest web design Rochester NY has to offer.